Build an access route from woolsbridge Road/axis 31 business park to the A31

Build an access road from woolsbridge Road/axis 31 business parks to the A31

Why the contribution is important

Residents in the local villages in Ashley Heath and West Moors are having their lives severely impacted by the increase in traffic, wide loads and HGVs from this business park. The business park is still not completed, meaning a further increase in vehicles. 
HGVs and wide loads also struggle to use and access these routes due to the narrow width and difficult manoeuvring along these roads which have resulted in recent road collisions with other road users, trees, ditches and pylons. Other road users are forced to mount busy pavements to allow wide loads through and emergency vehicles are unable to pass.

Properties are being damaged due to vibration following the increase in HGVs using the village roads, as well as the roads themselves being damaged and the drainage systems resulting in local flooding during heavy rain. Repairs to properties are at the residents cost and repairs to the roads and drainage systems are delayed or not repaired at all due to the dangerous working conditions for the workmen along the road. 
Residents are severely affected by the noise, vibration and pollution of the road, which continues through the night, with a detrimental impact to people's mental health. Local businesses along the road have also reported a decline due to the excess noise vibration and sheer traffic along the route. Residents find it difficult to enter and exit the villages due to the sheer amount of traffic during the rush hours and during the holidays, in particular along Horton Road due to one of the top 10 tourist attractions in the road also


by Bluebellwalk on August 11, 2024 at 02:02PM

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  • Posted by Colquhoun01 August 14, 2024 at 17:54

    As a resident i can only agree that this plan is long overdue. Having lived in Ashley Heath for 27years i have seen the the continued increase in the footprint of Woolsbridge Industrial Estate. This has also increased the amount of HGV and worker traffic along Horton Road which is 24hrs/day now.
     Horton Road is not capable of supporting the size,quantity and weight of this traffic. Evidence is available to support this and a purpose made route to the A31 would alleviate the threats on Horton Road and will increase the commercial viability of the trading estate. There is also a bonus for military use from the West Moors Fuel Depot which would take bulk fuel transportation away from transitting through the residential area of Ashley Heath.
  • Posted by LG August 14, 2024 at 18:14

    I would support an access road to the new industrial estate, Horton Road was never designed for 44 ton HGV’s The speed these travel and the closeness to pedestrians is frightening. The wing mirrors overhang the pavements and could cause serious damage to cyclists and Pedestrians alike. The Highway Code 2022 can not be implemented on this road as the road doesn’t have the capacity for the HGV’s to pass a cyclist at the recommended distances. HGV’s often hit branches leaving debris on the road. They have also widened the road in places by churning the soft ground as they do not fit on the tarmac road, The transportation of oversized caravans and portacabins from the Woolsbridge Ind Est to the A31 causes havoc a number of times per week, ensuring other road users break the law by mounting the pavement to avoid being hit by these vehicle.s. The weight of these vehicles cause turbulence that is damaging to homes and the wellbeing and safety of the community should be paramount in all decisions made
  • Posted by IvyClose August 14, 2024 at 18:29

    This is imperative as you'll be able to confirm via local action, reports to the police, yourselves and the Parish Council. Many of the commercial users from the estates have little care for the other road users or local residents.
  • Posted by Butterfly August 14, 2024 at 18:42

    I second everything that Bluebellwalk has said - an access road from Axis 31 to A31 is desperately needed.
  • Posted by xalb2024 August 14, 2024 at 20:24

    Urgently needed.
  • Posted by Houdini August 15, 2024 at 08:37

    This road is extremely dangerous and the heavy increase in HGVs since I moved here 8 years ago now vibrates in my house constantly.

    Shocking speeds by motorists making entry onto the road a gamble!

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