Make Dorset best place to be a child - Dorset Council


Dorset Council's first idea:

Make Dorset the best place to be a child (education and children’s social care)



Why the contribution is important

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by JedHBDC on July 18, 2024 at 09:53AM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.8
Based on: 5 votes


  • Posted by DapperDan August 01, 2024 at 23:02

    I could not agree more and it should be a priority. One of the most damaging things sthat happened in the last ten years was the run down and closing of the county run Youth Services which I beleive has had a major effect upon individuals growing up and a rise in anti-social behaviour and other problems. I know they were not a "catch all" service but they supported and helped children and young adults learn how to make sensible decisions, where to get informed advice and help when needed. There are some great local initiatives such as Streetlight in Wimborne but I believe we need much more to work alongside such projects.
  • Posted by Duntish15 August 08, 2024 at 21:19

    Totally agree with this statement but what needs to happen to achieve this? Youth services are most definitely a major part of this process. Dorset could do more to improve access to its existing outdoor education centres, ensure that every child in Dorset spends at least one day at the beach, for example.
  • Posted by Gardening August 16, 2024 at 08:46

    The closure of QE Leisure Centre has reduced the facilities for youngsters to get active and learn to swim. This is so important for mental health and physical well-being. We have an obesity crisis in the UK how is closing the leisure centre going to impact our young people in their future lives?
  • Posted by Dorset37 September 14, 2024 at 22:10

    It's a great slogan but it's unrealistic. Dorset is becoming older every year. Only the elderly can afford to move here. Children in rural Dorset have nothing and are unrepresented. Councillors are (understandably) mostly retired and often have grown up elsewhere. Children don't pay Council Tax and can't vote. Levels of need and deprivation are increasing so those become the necessary priorities for services dedicated to children. The other children continue to see the investment in their futures diminished.
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