Make Horton Road in Ashley Heath safer for everyone.

Introduce multiple low cost quick wins on Horton Road to make it a safer road for residents, local businesses and visitors. Some ideas already suggested to Parish Council, Police and David Sidwick.

  • Lower the speed to 30mph along a stretch of road from, the speed camera to Moors Valley entrance.
  • Change the timing of the traffic lights to give drivers more warning that they are going to change. HGV's travelling at 40mph regulary go through the lights as they cant stop in time.
  • Put additional markings on the road to remind drivers of the speed around the Woolsbridge junction and near OneStop.
  • Add SID signs along the road to remind drivers to slow down, and thank them for doing so. These work well in Verwood.
  • Police have made comments about adding a white picket fence to denote the entrance to the lower speed limit and the village area.
  • More regular police mobile van speed presence.
  • Implement the community AutoSpeedWatch as recommended by David Sidwick. These are being tested across Dorset.
  • More no overtaking signs or double white lines.
  • Simple bollards along the Horton road to prevent parking on the main road when Moors valley users want to avoid paying for parking. This causes issues for traffic on the main highways, especially HGV's and the regular escorted wide loads transporting mobile homes. These would be opposite Forest Edge Drive and Webbs Close.
  • Double yellow lines on some adjoining roads close to Moors Valley where Park Run and bank holiday visitors clog up side roads to avoid paying at Moors valley.

Why the contribution is important

Horton Road through Ashley Heath has become signifiacntly busier with nearly a million visitors annually for Moors Valley, 2 new industrial estates, local residents, very frequent speeding, HGV's, many accidents (a lot minor which dont get reported to police or require a blue light response), regular near misses at the pedestrian crossing and woolsbridge junction, and a recent fatality. We are talking to the Parish Council to get the road safer for residents, local businesses and visitors alike. Vistors to the area do not appreciate how busy the road now is.

Parish Council are aware of the local Horton Road Action Group.


by BugnerH on August 11, 2024 at 03:47PM

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  • Posted by Bluebellwalk August 14, 2024 at 17:17

    Absolutely agree!
    A link road from the industrial estates to the A31 would really help reduce the weight load on the road and allow easier access for HGVs and wide loads
  • Posted by LG August 14, 2024 at 17:44

    I support this comment, the road is a very busy road and was not designed for the current volume of traffic. The pavements are not suitable for ALL users, meaning local residents with mobility issues would not be able to use the pavements safely. The Highway Code 2022 regarding cyclists can not be adhered to on this road.
  • Posted by MV4All August 14, 2024 at 17:44

    Perhaps extend the Clearways signage to include Horton Rd from AHR to entrance to Moors Valley Park.
  • Posted by Butterfly August 14, 2024 at 18:09

    Horton Road is currently dangerous for pedestrians and drivers alike. The 40 mile an hour speed limit is very frequently ignored and drivers race along at truly frightening speeds. Huge lorries drive down the middle of the road and when pre-fab buildings are being transported, other drivers are forced off the road onto verges. Pedestrians are buffeted by air displacement and forced into fences. People living in close proximity suffer ground and building vibration, increasingly worrying air pollution from exhaust fumes and horrendous road noise from the huge lorries using the route day and night. We can no longer enjoy our gardens - the noise is deafening - and even the apples on our trees are affected, coated with thick, black grime. I can’t remember the last time I had a full night’s sleep. Our quality of life has been seriously affected. Changing the speed limit to 30 miles an hour will reduce the noise and vibrations and allow vehicles to stop safely and more easily when necessary. Alongside a speed change, a link road from the industrial estates to the A31 would cure a lot of the aforementioned problems and leave the Horton Road so much safer for cars and pedestrians alike, whilst allowing the local residents to breathe more freely, sleep properly and stop worrying about the fabric of their homes.
  • Posted by Colquhoun01 August 14, 2024 at 18:55

    Horton Road has no road classification. It was never (I believe) designed for more than rural traffic and is unable to support the volume and weight of current traffic. I have been a resident in Ashley Heath for over 27yrs and have seen the amount of traffic multiply to an unsupportable level. The road infrastructure is unable to withstand this 24/7 traffic. Evidence of continued repairs to drains, manhole covers and kerbs are available which is a wholly the result of this magnitude of traffic. The speed accentuates the damage caused. As my property backs onto Horton Road I can vouch that the vibration from heavy goods vehicles hitting suppressed road furniture at speed is significant and disturbs sleep and causes stress. On the question of speed, there is no argument that stands up to maintain the current 40mph. It is currently abused with cars and HGVs exceeding this. 30mph will adhere to current government sustainability drive and will help reduce the threat of accidents.
  • Posted by Littlebitlelen August 24, 2024 at 20:56

    Totally agree with all the comments noted above . Like the comments from Colquhoun01 we too have lived in the area for nearly 35 years and whilst we accept change will happen , the amount of traffic , both travelling at speed and the weight of the traffic using this unclassified road is now becoming unacceptable.

    Other areas within the Council boundaries jurisdiction are having their speed limits reduced - why not ours . How many more accidents need to happen before the comments of the residents are noted and not ignored.
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