Re-establish a universal access Youth service

Work in partnership with public health to re-establish a universal access Youth service that embeds the 5 Steps to Wellbeing, offering young people a wide range of activities including art, drama, music, sport, cultural experiences, leadership and social skills. 

Why the contribution is important

The ICB has identified young people's mental health as one of its five priorities for improvement, but is unclear as to how that can be achieved. To improve young people's mental health they need safe places to go, trusted adults to support them and a wide range of activities offered to them to engage in. They need screen free zones and space where they can spend time with their friends talking and developing social and communication skills - not in their bedrooms. 

by Duntish15 on August 08, 2024 at 09:13PM

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  • Posted by DapperDan August 16, 2024 at 15:40

    Fully agree with this proposal and one that should be considered vital for oour communities future health and dare I say it wealth.
  • Posted by Crescent September 10, 2024 at 17:25

    very important proposal which is fundamental to the well-being of young people, enhancing their opportunities and encouraging them to become confident individuals meeting their own potentials. If you do not start early on working with young people to develop all the skills mentioned above, there will be a longer term problem for our wider society.
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