Accessible homes for disabled people (under 55)

There seems to be a shortage of accessible Social Rented properties for disabled people who are younger than Sheltered age (usually 55 years plus).

Dorset really needs to get the developers and registered providers on board to either build more suitable properties, adapt existing stock where possible, or review their portfolios to see if any currently Sheltered properties (particularly those that are located outside of a specific Sheltered scheme) can be changed to general needs. 


Why the contribution is important

There are younger people who have become disabled (or become "more" disabled) who are stuck in upper floor Social Rented flats with no lift - which is incredibly difficult to manage, especially for wheelchair users or those that would benefit from a mobility scooter but cannot have one due to their accommodation. They may be able to go on to the Housing Register, but there are very few properties suitable for them to bid on. 

by WheelsOnFire on July 26, 2024 at 10:30AM

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