Disabled priority

Disabled households should have a priority over others waiting for housing on the housing register. Needs for disabled people are urgent and dorset council do not care about individuals and their needs this needs to change.

Why the contribution is important

Because households with a disabled person struggle enough without the added pressure of unsuitable housing 

by RKDEOL on August 27, 2024 at 05:14PM

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  • Posted by Misskenton September 09, 2024 at 17:27

    Need to look at criteria for this. How will you judge if someone is disabled or not.
    E.g. lots of children have autism but are undiagnosed ..this doesn’t stop them having needs and they shouldn’t be penalized because they are not diagnosed..how you will police this is difficult. It can take two years for a child to be seen by a psychiatrist to get assessed.
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