Increase supply of housing - Dorset Council


Dorset Council's first idea

Increase the supply of housing that local people can afford to rent or buy


Why the contribution is important

What do you think? Please let us know by rating the idea or leaving a comment!

by JedHBDC on July 18, 2024 at 09:49AM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.6
Based on: 19 votes


  • Posted by Goldfish July 25, 2024 at 14:34

    This is definitely needed. Too many people aren't able to get on the housing ladder at all.
  • Posted by Appletree July 27, 2024 at 09:20

    1. Thoroughly examine brownfield options first.
    2. With GP surgeries and schools under immense pressure, these facilities must be added to any new development.
    3. Developers must be forced to plant trees, leave open space.
    4. No building on water meadows.
  • Posted by Sameold July 31, 2024 at 15:47

    First priority must be to house residents of the county, especially those who have been on the housing list for years. The amount of time a person has been living in the area must take presidence over new residence moving into the area.
  • Posted by Faredealplease August 01, 2024 at 18:42

    Before considering building new quality homes. Dorset council should be more proactive in ensuring existing developments are built to a high quality and should be totally finished before commencing new phases or or sites. This should especially apply to the quality of road surface finishing, quality of speed humps and ramps, quality of road drains.
    In addition Dorset council should be proactively taking on verge and green space maintenance, at present there is a huge delay. Dorset council should ensure any road design should be fit for purpose in regards to layout, signs, parking restrictions , bollards and vehicle restrictions. Little attention has been given to this to date and should be considered before proceeding with any future developments
  • Posted by Jurer August 04, 2024 at 21:15

    Yes we need more affordable housing, especially for social rent.
    There are two main models of provision: either make new house owners pay for it via S106 agreements or raise the capital and use the new powers of compulsory purchase.
    The first method is not meeting the need. The second worked well in the past and a modern version can work well again. No-one ever baulks at borrowing to own a house if they can - nor should the Council baulk when it can help people in this way.
    We need an ambitious programme to build hundreds of social rent homes for local people, not in big estates but tucked into existing communities all over the area.
  • Posted by DrLizzy August 08, 2024 at 19:54

    Difficult to disagree.
  • Posted by Phyllida1958 August 14, 2024 at 12:08

    Completely agree that we need more housing but would want to see DC's Housing Strategy which looks at how this will be done. Will DC set up a housing corporation? How will it fund registered providers to provide social rent not 'affordable' rent? How will it ensure high standards of sustainability and build standards?
  • Posted by portlandcarer August 24, 2024 at 20:24

    Providing social housing via d council will be self financing. Hb
     Benefit is paid to d council which in turn reinvest to build more socal housing . If it works for private landlords why can't it work for the council
  • Posted by Redstart49 September 01, 2024 at 16:09

    If a Dorset National Park were established in Dorset then all of the DC area would be able to be incorporated in a Local Plan free from Central Government targets and administered by a joint DC/ DNP planning team with a focus on the generation of truly affordable housing where neighborhood plans highlight. The DNP grant would also enable the financial pressure to be lifted form DC for the planning responsibilities. The environmental remit of the DNP would also prioritize the need for infrastructure to match developments and the environmental impact mitigated by the designs of any developments and the environmental build quality.
  • Posted by Misskenton September 09, 2024 at 17:28

    Something needs to be done..
  • Posted by Hairnailsfeet24 September 10, 2024 at 20:41

    More affordable housing is definitely needed, especially for the young people/families of Dorset.
    I think at the minute, the with the rent to buy housing schemes, it is disgusting the amount they expect young people to pay a month, and ontop of that, they get reviewed in how much money they have been saving monthly to be able to have a deposit to buy the property in 5 years, how an earth is anyon suppose to pay rent and save monthly with the cost of living nower days it's crazy.
  • Posted by smileyface September 10, 2024 at 21:14

    The housing needs to be council housing. Developers and private landlords cannot be expected to fill the social housing gap.
  • Posted by rajah153 September 11, 2024 at 15:47

    Only allow new builds on brownfield sites and make solar panels compulsory on all new structure, with few exceptions
  • Posted by Bradcomm September 16, 2024 at 10:31

    Whilst there is a need for "affordable" housing there is also a need to find land where they can be built.
    Other than on public land (not including recreational land which should be protected) this is difficult as landowners understandably seek to achieve the best return.
    There is an ongoing and long delayed Dorset Local Plan.
    In the 2015 West Dorset Local Plan allocated land in Bridport, probably in response to a "call for land", at BRID3. LAND TO THE EAST OF BREDY VETERINARY CENTRE, OFF JESSOPP AVENUE
    i) Land to the east of Bredy Veterinary Centre, off Jessopp Avenue (as shown on the
    policies map) is allocated for housing.
    I believe that this could have produced some 40 houses of which at 35% i.e. 14 could have been "affordable" which would have met a local need.
    The land remains vacant but the landowner has in theory achieved an increase in its valuation by simply doing nothing.
    I imagine that there are other similar cases so if land is offered for development any allocation should be limited in years and if nothing is done the allocation should either be withdrawn or be subject to compulsory purchase to ensure the development takes place.
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