Increase the percentage

Please increase the amount of affordable homes on a development.

Make it legal requirement for 45% on all development projects. 

Affordable means within local communities ability to pay or rent.


Remove Right to Buy and Loopholes that stop development.

Why the contribution is important

Local people can not afford £450,000 homes 

Housing is being used as Air BB and 2nd Incomes 

Young People can not afford to rent or purchase 

by Penmick on August 25, 2024 at 08:57AM

Current Rating

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Based on: 4 votes


  • Posted by smileyface September 10, 2024 at 21:30

    Affordable homes should be provided by the council, not private developers.
  • Posted by Gardener62 September 12, 2024 at 13:51

    The previous idea which states that ‘affordability’ needs to be defined before we go any further comes in to play here. Large new estates need to include ‘affordable’ homes which might be shared ownership or what used to be called council houses so that local people can be housed.
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