Primary Residence qualification

Require purchasers of new houses to certify that they are primary residences.

Why the contribution is important

New houses, at least, are not sold as second homes or 'buy to let'.

by Redstart49 on August 19, 2024 at 03:02PM

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  • Posted by portlandcarer August 24, 2024 at 20:16

    Any new housing should have a covenant to restrict any second , rental properties and should only be used as the residence of the buyer. They should also ve restricted as a second home as buyers may state it is their primary home when they have a home with no restriction.
    Housing associations should be restricted on the sale of their properties unless they replace . Under current government policy they can sell any home of non traditional construction or low Epc reted , this covers nearly all prefab houses on portland. Many shabby houses are also being sold without new homes being built . No wonder we have a social housing issue
  • Posted by Olliesmum13 September 10, 2024 at 07:18

    Unfortunately some housing stock aimed at low cost is disreportionate.
    For example.
    Lyme Regis.
    1. Properties with covenants on them prohibiting sale to non residents or ties to Lyme Regis stagnantly are unsold, and remain difficult or impossible to sell due to the very nature of the saleability to only those within the criteria.
    To the detrimental of suitable housing stock.
    2. New build housing stock in the past 10 yrs and forward built for low cost for rent in Lyme regis and surrounding area are not bound by covenants and therefore can be sold on the open market at some point in the near future at market value.
    3. Point 2 therefore makes it impossible for local people to purchase properties in point 1.

    It therefore seems reasonable that if properties in point 1 are not sold within 6 months at the lower price to locals meeting the covenant criteria, the covenant should be overturned and removed completely and sold as normal housing stock to all.

    This would be a far more approachable format and would stop disrepair and in some cases put many properties previously removed from saleable housing stock that has been left empty for some considerable time.
  • Posted by EverestSkye September 10, 2024 at 13:01

    Olliesmum13 makes an excellent point
  • Posted by smileyface September 10, 2024 at 21:29

    Buy to let houses have been and will be key to provide enough rental properties.
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