Back the Nature Declaration with specific aims, measurable targets, and time limits

Dorset Council recently declared a Nature Emergency: congratulations on an inspiring start! Please back up this declaration with specific aims, measurable targets, and time limits.

(We have added our proposal for a timetable in respect of glyphosate and other harmful chemicals elsewhere)

We ask Dorset Council to: 

·       Look after its own land better. The council owns great tracts of land including 46 farms. Less productive land should be restored for nature.

·       Work with its tenant farmers to encourage more sustainable farming. 

·       Manage council land to encourage wildflowers, provide food for pollinators, and habitat for declining animals including hedgehogs, toads and frogs.

·       Fit swift boxes to old properties and new builds.

·       Provide information and encouragement to householders to make gardens more nature friendly. 

·       Act as a hub for encouraging businesses and landowners to put nature at the forefront in whatever they do.

·       Convene meetings, bring people together, encourage local action groups, provide resources, information etc.

Why the contribution is important

Our country is one of the most nature depleted on the planet and Dorset is suffering too. Many people have commented on the fall in insect numbers this summer. Our woodlands, rivers and heathlands are at risk, as are our insects, birds, mammals and reptiles. Nature is dying; we ask the council to act now.

We must all do everything we can to protect nature in this country for the future, and unless urgent action is taken, the natural world faces collapse, with dire consequences for people. Your council is in the unique position of presiding over one of the most special and diverse areas of land in the country. Please use this opportunity to restore and protect nature before it’s too late.

by ExtinctionRebellionWimborne on August 15, 2024 at 05:19PM

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