Do survey on climate change

Feel Dorset will have some smart people to contribute re Climate change.  Feel a survey should be promoted where people can put ideas per area.  Survey could cover full Dorset ideas and some to Dorsets main local areas.  If there has been one I have not seen it

Why the contribution is important

Any ideas are better than what is currently known. 

by Lorry123 on September 09, 2024 at 01:39PM

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  • Posted by rajah153 September 11, 2024 at 16:02

    The County Council declared a climate emergency a few years ago and conducted an in depth survey canvassing ideas from local people. There is little or no evidence that any action was taken.
    How about making it compulsory for all new structures to have solar panels fitted. ?
    How about getting rid of all street lighting?

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