Support the recovery of nature - Dorset Council


Dorset Council's second idea:

Support the recovery of nature


Why the contribution is important

What do you think? Please let us know by rating the idea or leaving a comment!

by JedHBDC on July 18, 2024 at 09:52AM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.8
Based on: 16 votes


  • Posted by Goldfish July 25, 2024 at 14:32

    Really important - we need to act now before it is too late.
  • Posted by Sunny August 08, 2024 at 10:31

    Promote and support the nature recovery Dorset so that everyone in Dorset can join together to do something and show they care and are willing to help recover nature
  • Posted by crogers August 08, 2024 at 18:47

    If walking trails, finger posts and paths way had a bit of investment into them that could help encourage people get out and about enjoying nature and seeing what there is to enjoy.

    Having defined footpaths means people should keep to them and not destroy more wildlife.

    Having little adventure trails for kids to follow and collect things helps. Or encouraging geocaching!
  • Posted by DrLizzy August 08, 2024 at 20:00

    Difficult to disagree.
  • Posted by sundew August 09, 2024 at 18:13

    Recovery of nature is vital to sustain mankind.
  • Posted by HazyJane48 August 15, 2024 at 14:29

    Climate and Ecological breakdown is beginning to affect us all - taking steps to reduce global heating and restore Nature may help humanity (or it may not) While it is within our gift to try and can take steps to reduce our impact and adapt to an uncertain future, I believe we should do so. There will be no future for our descendants otherwise.
    Nature recovery should be top of the list and inform all decision making, including economic decisions. Protecting and increasing habitat. Giving access to nature to help people reconnect with it and appreciate the value it has. Consider more allotments and growing spaces - helps nature and human wellbeing.
  • Posted by Sunflowerlover August 15, 2024 at 17:26

    We are taught to measure twice and cut once - well in the natural environment I think we should endeavour to think multiple times before we ever make that one cut of a tree. Although Dorset looks green, in Wimborne the tree canopy is below the expected level so cutting trees within or near a town should be avoided at all costs, or we, Mankind, all pay.
  • Posted by RainySummer24 August 22, 2024 at 15:55

    Totally agree, we need to protect habitats that are still remaining - whether they are private gardens, verges, hedges or larger expanses of different habitats. We also need to help create new ones by planting (appropriate) trees, not using chemicals, encouraging bee friendly gardening, and generally raising awareness about the value of natural places for everyone, including nature itself.
  • Posted by Redstart49 September 01, 2024 at 16:25

    If a Dorset National Park were created then a grant worth millions of pounds each year would help establish:
    1)an identity that residents can feel proud of and visitors be aware of the benefits and responsibilities while enjoying it.
    2) develop a tourism policy to stead the load throughout the year and throughout the county.
    3) support alternative transport options: park & ride, cycle routes, walking routes
    4) staff to support and funding to encourage farmers and landowners to farm regeneratively providing more room for wildlife in food producing areas.
    5) encourage access to and education in the landscape for the better health and wellbeing of residents.
  • Posted by Lavender22 September 10, 2024 at 08:06

    Find better solutions for Solar energy in Dorset. You are responsible for planning so stop using green field sites. Be a county that innovates.
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