Nature and climate crisis

The title should be 'respond to the nature and climate crisis'

Why the contribution is important

some people do not engage or believe in the climate crisis but do respond well to the nature crisis.  This change will mean that everyone has a chance to get involved

by Sunny on August 08, 2024 at 10:33AM

Current Rating

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Based on: 4 votes


  • Posted by GettingWarmer August 28, 2024 at 22:57

    It's important to have both, paticularly since the warmer temperature affect Nature - plants and animals.
  • Posted by Lavender22 September 10, 2024 at 08:13

    Giving planning permission for large areas of this beautiful county's green countryside to be covered by massive solar farms in madness. They will be there for 40 years and then go to landfill sites. There are better solutions.
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