Timetable to reduce/stop glyphosate use and other chemicals

We ask the council to commit to a timetable for reducing and stopping the use of glyphosate (Roundup) and other pesticides (i.e. chemicals targeted at plant or animal ‘pests’) and chemicals harmful to nature (and to humans) on our roads, pavements and countryside. Many towns and cities are pesticide free. The Pesticide Action Network recommends a three-year phase out plan.

Why the contribution is important

The urgency

Insects are undergoing massive declines. We ask the council to:

·       stop spraying harmful chemicals into their environment

·       create habitat for them

·       look after them.



Glyphosate – used to kill ‘weeds’ – is dangerous to animals as well as plants. It harms insects and destroys their food sources. Populations of insects are collapsing. UK flying insects declined by nearly 60% in less than 20 years (Buglife). The small tortoiseshell butterfly has declined by 82% in UK since 1976 (UKBMS). 41% of insects worldwide are threatened with extinction (Buglife). Glyphosate is particularly harmful to key pollinators, including honeybees and bumblebees.


The council’s continued spraying of pesticides on our roads and pavements is destroying insect life: our towns and gardens are vital for pollinators.


Glyphosate harms humans. It’s a probable cause of cancer (World Health Organisation), plausibly linked to Parkinson's disease (The Lancet). It is found in our urine (Journal of the National Cancer Institute), and sperm.


We ask the council to commit to a timetable to phase out and to stop the use of glyphosate and other chemicals harmful to nature and people. Please name the date it will start and the date it will complete.

by ExtinctionRebellionWimborne on August 15, 2024 at 05:11PM

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