Useable bus services for North Dorset

Bus services in North Dorset need a serious review. We have to get a bus to Blandford Forum and change buses just to go to Dorchester, our county town.  There is only one bus a day in one direction that connects without leaving us stranded in Blandford for over an hour.  Why can we not have services that connect please ?

There are no Saturday buses serving Sturminster Newton which is appalling, never mind evenings or Sundays so if you are a young person or have no car you cannot get anywhere.

During the week the bus to Yeovil takes a long time and people only use it if desperate.

The bus that connects Sturminster Newton with the railway does nor run early or late enough for anyone to use it for work anywhere.

Transport is key to the economy and getting people into work.  Oh and the thing called the environment too. Not to metnion hospital appointments.


Why the contribution is important

It is important to save public transport because it will help the economy and communities. Meaning people like us don't have to move just to get what other take for granted.

It will stop kids being forced into buying cars and scooters when they cannot afford to run them safely and educate the next generation use public transport.

We do not want the earth just buses that go where we need them to go, not just Blamdford and Gillingham and buses that link to onward services.

by Squawky1 on July 30, 2024 at 07:37PM

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  • Posted by WyndhamOak August 08, 2024 at 18:19

    Good public transport in North Dorset is essential to generate economic growth and reduce rural poverty. Without the ability to travel to amenities, services or jobs people become trapped in a poverty loop or a have a reduced quality of life. While individuals bus routes maybe unprofitable they need to be considered in the wider context of the good they provide in terms of knock on benefits. For example a young person who finishes school and can’t afford a car will need good links to get a desirable job otherwise they are limited to what is available in the immediate vicinity. Likewise elderly people who can not drive may need transport to access services (medical etc) or use amenities that are good for their physical and mental health (clubs, restaurants etc). It is a basic tenant of economics that transport links promote economic growth, north Dorset is no exception
  • Posted by Squawky1 August 10, 2024 at 16:12

    My daughter is in despair as she has no transport and wants a job. Employers here use teens and pay cash in hand for all the simple jobs that would normally start someone off in life. I cannot get a job unless I drive for about an hour because I am over qualified for anything here.
  • Posted by plinn84 August 21, 2024 at 18:06

    Public transport requires finiancial input from local and national government. Unlaess this happens we will not have a public transport network in Dorset. Compare South Cornwall with its frequent bus services to lots of villages. How do they do it? Scope for Council research.
  • Posted by Altishopper September 09, 2024 at 19:27

    The lack of public transport is a serious disincentive to economic growth. It is also a hindrance to reducing climate emissions, since anybody buying property in one of the numerous new housing estates will have no alternative to using a car for any length of journey.
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